Monday, October 22, 2012

Fire Safety?

We're still working on getting used to living in China. Surprised? Not really. There are a good amount of differences between America and here. Surprised? Not really.

I've now learned how to order coffee and have been pretty content with only knowing that. I stick to the important things in life.
Lark's Chinese on the other hand has gotten really impressive in the month and a halfish that we've been here. He's especially eloquent on anything having to do with little Larkin since that's all that the Chinese want to talk about.  Larkin's a bit of a conversation suck but we love him regardless.

We're really enjoying making new friends and settling into our new home. We live in two rooms of our college's hotel that have been combined to make a sort of apartment. It's actually really nice and WAAY better (and maybe bigger!) than the house that we were living in before (read about that one here.)

We have some nice big windows, maid service, and a bunch of other foreign teachers live on the same hall as us. Our school really went out of their way to make sure that we were comfortable. We feel very blessed.

One extra perk that we've really been enjoying recently is all of the helpful signs that they left around the place. There's two on our bed stands that warn us:

              GOOD NIGHT"



and just in case you were feeling like doing an Irish jig in the shower:

Now you know that you might slip. Whew! Dodged THAT bullet!

My all time favorite sign so far though is this fire safety sign that is attached to both of our doors:

 So pretty! A little more zoomed in version:

I guess I will tryyy to not worry if a fire is occurring. It might be difficult though since I'm not sure where exactly my excellency seat is and will therefore have a hard time pointing to it as I'm trying to run to the information hall to ride on a secure belt with the safeguards.

I guess things would be a lot easier if they just posted one of the signs we saw in a temple earlier this week:


More updates soon!
Love you guys!


  1. bahah love the signs! LAUREN, only...2 months till we get to see y'all! AHHHHH

    1. YEAAAAAH!!!! I've been having to stop myself from starting Christmas shopping and decorating. I'm just so freaking excited for Christmas and to see you guys!!!

  2. The zoomed in declaration sign is mind boggling indeed.

    1. Agreed! My mind is boggled. If a fire ever does occur I'm thinking I'm just going to go with the normal method of exiting, jumping out the window with a parachute attached. It's the perfect one step escape plan.

  3. That's awesome! I'm quite intrigued by the succor scattering facilities!

    1. Ditto! What exactly are they scattering? Sounds kind of ominous..

  4. I guess it's helpful that all the signs are also written in English, although sometimes the version of English is a bit confusing. The other plus is they have coffee.

    1. THANK GOODNESS they have coffee! I might result to starting fires if they didn't have coffee. There's just no excuse....

  5. "Point profess your excellency seat."

    Seems clear enough.

    I find the whole thing intimidating, but awesome.

  6. My favorite line is "please don't worry if a fire is occurring." Your room is on fire and smoke is so thick you can't see your hand in front of you. But don't worry, because they've got a great scattering transmitting system. Phew!

    1. Right? I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Just death right? No need to overreact and worry about that.

  7. hahaha! If there is a fire dont be worried. Ya, because everyone would be telling you what to do in chinese therefore you would have no idea what to do! I miss you guys still!! izzy did you get the message from your mom I sent you?

    1. Oh! Um... probably? Dangit! Now I have to be all responsible and check my email like a normal person. Booooo.

    2. yes check it like a normal person!!!


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