Friday, June 15, 2012

The First Time I Broke My Arm

A new blog tradition starts today at The Adventures of Tootie and Izzy:



*pause for clapping to end*

Thank you.
You may be thinking to yourself, "Why Friday? What's so special or story-y about Friday?"

Well..nothing in particular really. Friday is just the day I chose. And this is my blog. So there.

This week's story stems from the fact that I have always been competitive. Absurdly so, in some cases.

*That's me on the left. I didn't always have short hair.*

When I was in first grade, I was on a little kids basketball team. We met once a week in my school's gymnasium where we practiced important skills like dribbling. 

One practice, coach lined us all up against the wall along one side of the gym and told us we were going to practice the advanced skill of dribbling WHILE running across the gym.

 Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, my competitive side showed up with a vengeance.

Coach's whistle shrieked, signifying the race was on and I kicked off and burned rubber, sprinting as fast as my shrimpy legs would take me.

I was doing it!! I was doing it!! I was in first place!!
Not that I was surprised by that or anything. I obviously was the fastest on the team.
How they could ever think to win a game without me was hard to believe. 
I mean really, I was pretty much carrying this team along all by myself. 
I'll bet coach goes home and tells his wife how awesome a basketball player I am.
I'll bet she wants to meet me.
I'll bet she wishes she had kids that were half as good at basketball as me..

I began to wonder how far behind the other kids were from me. 

It probably would be hard to make them out, since they had to be so so far back, but I decided to check anyways.

And then I ran out of gym.

I got to sit the rest of practice on the sidelines, watching the other kids do drills waaaay slower than I would have done them while cradling my arm and trying not to cry.

Professional basketball players who are bffs with the coach's wife don't cry.

After a couple days of me complaining about my arm still hurting, my mom took me to get some X-rays done, and low and behold, I had broken my arm. My right arm just above the wrist. By running into a wall. 

I didn't let it get me down though. I got a pretty, new, attention grabbing, bright pink accessory out of the deal and a big swiss cheese looking foam pillow to rest my arm on while watching tv. I was living the life.

On a side note, the only person I allowed to sign my cast was my piano teacher. Why I was still meeting with my piano teacher when one of my hands was not working, I do not know. I do know that I felt it was too rude to refuse a grownup asking to sign my cast though, so I let her.

I then pouted for the rest of the day.

and then walked around for the duration of my cast time looking like the only friend I had was my piano teacher. 

Moral of the story: Only play basketball outdoors.

Love you all!
Check back soon for a new post!


  1. No. The moral is, what kind of sick coach puts walls around a basketball court and expects kids not to run into them. Sue everyone.

    Love the pics!

    1. Hey thanks!

      And you're completely right. I don't know why I didn't think about suing sooner. It IS the American way, after all.
      Down with all the wall builders and coaches who support them!!! Booo!!!

  2. basketball ... pink cast

    Okay, now I'm curious. How did other people break their bones?

  3. I broke my wrist falling off a scouter. I think I win for lamest injury.

    1. That is a pretty good one. lol. 10 points to you!

  4. Love the story and the illustrations! I loved to play basketball when I was younger. Never broke my arm doing it, though. Truly, the building should not have had walls.

    1. Thank you!!! I never knew there was so much support for no-wall gyms out there! Maybe I should be starting a petition..

  5. Haha I love the 'Lets go eat worms' t-shirt!!

    1. Hey thanks! Good song right? That's the song that I always sing to myself if I'm being too mopey.

      "Aww! Self, did you just see that? That person totally just cut me in line!"
      "Ooooh noooo. How awful. Guess you'll just have to wait a good 2 minutes longer to get your coffee. You suffer. Becaaaause Nobody likes you, everybody hates you, you should go eat worms! Long ones, short ones..."
      "Stop it Self. You're a buttbrain."

      All of my inner voices are very mature.

  6. I love reading your blog. One more reason to TGIF!

  7. Whoops! that last comment was from Aunt Carol

    1. Lol. I'm glad you enjoy it. :)

  8. do you realize you have broken 2 bones the exact same way? running into a wall (well the next time it was skating into a wall) but still!-meredith

    1. yeah...walls miiight be my nemesis. Or I'm just an idiot.

    2. P.s. Everyone on our derby team has a baby now. Huh what?! Skating leads to babies?

    3. Skating towards your destiny... luke (creepy breathing)... I am your father... [coming soon, star wars on roller blades]

    4. Alright! I'd watch that! Tell me when it's on ice.

  9. What? You're stopping here? I think the stories of dancing in the rain and balancing on a ball are worth telling too.

  10. What? You're stopping here? I think the stories of dancing in the rain and balancing on a ball are worth telling too.

    1. No no! I'll share those embarrassments some upcoming friday.

  11. Hahahah yes please have a friday story telling for all your broken bone stories. you were a ridiculous child :) ooh and maybe the tissue/dancing story? :)

  12. Hahaha I remember you being upset someone had signed your cast because it "didn't look as good with writing on it." Fashion sense at a young age :)

    1. yeah... sure I had some, but it wasn't any type of fashion sense to be proud of. If you remember, that cast was worn with oversized soccer jerseys or hand-me-down shirts from Kyle with tough manly sayings on them, soccer shorts, cowboy boots, ginormous hair bows, and red lipstick (when mom let me). I was a hot mess before I knew what a hot mess was.

  13. Lol, love the story as well as the illustrations and when I saw the pink cast it reminded me of Steve when he broke his leg and he got a hot pink cast as well with a neon green stripe like a candy cane running down it. He broke his showing off except that instead of a wall that stopped his forward motion it was a 12 year old girl. Yeah, a very manly way to break your leg.

    1. Haha! That's awesome! I can totally see that happening.


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