I've always wanted to go to China.
Growing up, the majority of my friends in elementary and middle school were Chinese. Because of this I must say, I became fascinated with their culture pretty early on in life. Actually, to be more accurate, I became a culture mooch.
My poor friends. After all that all I can say in Chinese to this day is, "I put pepper on your pancakes," and, "Hi! My name is Lauren Mason and I like cats and dogs."
Not for long though!!!
Lark and I are moving to China for a year in September!!!
Well, most likely we're going. If all of the paperwork details, shot getting, and passport/visa setting up goes as planned.
We got accepted to a program called China Calls and have requesting that we be set up with a school in Hangzhou. They told us that this shouldn't be much of a problem since they have ties with over 24 schools in Hangzhou. Sooooo inevitably we should be able to find at least one that would work for us.
Things are still in the works, but it's looking like Lark is going to get to teach a university class English and I (fingers crossed) might get to do some modeling over there! Everything seems beyond ideal. God is great.
We are waaaaaay beyond excited. This has been a dream of both of ours since...forever.
Actually, the second time I ever talked to Lark was about China. We were both in the Library and I used my super-sight to spot him from across the room.
I promptly sent him a text alerting him to the fact.
Lark skipped across the room and joined me at my table.
What if it had been my diary Lark? What. If. It. Had. Been. My. Diary?
I had been pasting a card about applying to teach English in China into my scrapbook-style notebook and that sparked a China themed conversation between us.
"You want to go to China?" said Lark
"Yeah! I've always wanted to go to China" I said.
"I'VE always wanted to go to China!" Lark said.
THAT riveting dialogue was obviously the emotionally charged moment that changed the way our relationship path was pointing towards marriage.
Till this day I still wonder what would have happened had my notebook been shut….Just kidding.
Anyways, we've been scrambling to get ready for this new adventure. Getting documents, working our way through readings, trying to figure out local customs and just generally what it's going to be like living there.
We've been told by multiple people that we're going to stand out with us being foreigners and me being 6 foot 1. I figured as much but evidently it's going to be more than the few stares I expected.
My sister, Kara, taught English in China for some months and while she was there, the Olympics were held in China. She was actually able to stand by, with the crowd, when the Olympic torch was being run through the city. As it was passing, she says that all of the people near her were staring at HER and taking pictures of HER instead of the torch. She got it on video.
Pretty crazy.
We've been warned that little Larkin, being a baby, and white with blue eyes, is going to have an admiring following wherever he goes.
We're going to try our best to keep up with the little celebrity.
On a side-note, this Easter Lark, Larkin, and I went to the Abilene Country Club for lunch and this happened:
The Easter Bunny evidently frequents the country club, which is totally
alright with me. He came up and asked to hold Larkin. Pretty cute. However when I asked for him back, the rabbit turned his back to me and continued hugging my kid. His human escort had to chide him and make him give Larkin back and move on.
I'm not surprised there are sights like this now. Check it out. Bunnies are frightening. Who knew?
Larkin knew. Just take a gander at that face. Poor little man.
Also Erica over at Touch of Embellishment . Her most recent post actually has an awesome story about the little creepers. Click on that link.
On a side-note, this Easter Lark, Larkin, and I went to the Abilene Country Club for lunch and this happened:
alright with me. He came up and asked to hold Larkin. Pretty cute. However when I asked for him back, the rabbit turned his back to me and continued hugging my kid. His human escort had to chide him and make him give Larkin back and move on.
I'm not surprised there are sights like this now. Check it out. Bunnies are frightening. Who knew?
Larkin knew. Just take a gander at that face. Poor little man.
Also Erica over at Touch of Embellishment . Her most recent post actually has an awesome story about the little creepers. Click on that link.
Love you guys!
More updates coming soon!